Thursday, July 16, 2015

Saturday, July 25 - Trails & Trees

Ride along the Holmes Run Trail, visit the Bicentennial Tree, and make new friends!

Some of Alexandria's best biking trails follow the streams that feed the Potomac River. On Saturday July 25 we will ride along Cameron Run and Holmes Run to the western edge of the city where we will picnic and look for the Bicentennial Tree, the oldest in Alexandria.

We will meet Cameron Run Regional Park (aka the home of Great Waves Waterpark) at 10am. The ride will be approximately 4 miles round trip.

All are welcome!

  • Meet at Cameron Run Regional Park
  • Meet in the far corner of the parking lot between the Vola Lawson Animal Shelter and the batting cages. 
  • Ride down Holmes Run Trail to Brookvalley Park (5599 Holmes Run Pkwy) and look for the Bicentennial Tree  
  • Have a picnic/snack mingle and get to know your fellow biking families
  • Head back to the parking lot at Cameron Run Regional Park
After the ride, in addition to swimming & Great Waves, Cameron Run Regional Park offers miniature golf and fishing in Lake Cook.